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33Writing in a For...
Thu May 02, 2013 11:26 pm
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356The Five Word St...
Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:50 pm
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420Anyone intereste...
Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:57 pm
LUXLEBERRY View latest post
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Thunderclan Territory

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Thunderclan Camp

Upon entering the gorse tunnel, there is a wide stretch of soft sand warmed by the sun. A large rock juts out of the ground, towering over its visitors and below that, a small cave covered in lichen. This is the entrance to the leaders den. Past the high rock is a fallen tree, its tangled branches shading the soft grass which grown beneath. Beneath the old trees branches is a soft space for elders to rest among the moss and ferns. To the other side of the clearing is the nursery, hidden deep within a bramble bush. Beside it, the warriors den beneath a bush and a wall of nettles. And old tree stump serves as the apprentices den, softened by a bed of ferns. And lastly, the medicine cats den, hollowed out into a moss covered rock. The entrance is draped in ferns and inside, a small pool of water.
215. A Deputy's Con...
Thu Sep 26, 2013 6:15 pm
DawnsComing View latest post
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Snake Rocks and the Great Sycamore

Just east of Thunderclan Camp is the great sycamore, its branches stretched wide and strong. It is the tallest tree in the forest with thick tangled roots knotted into the ground. Here apprentices learn to climb and hunt ( a skill special to Thunderclan cats). Just beyond the Great Sycamore is a hill covered in smooth round rocks. Chervil and yarrow grow between the cracks, making Snake Rocks a good place for collecting herbs. However, the cool shade provides a good hiding place for adders, so apprentices should not come here alone. All cats should also be on the look out for dogs, who like to bask in the warm sun. At the bottom of the hill is a small burrow that provides good cover; so long as it is not already occupied.
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A long stretch of foul smelling rock that crosses through all the clan's territories. Monsters roam the Thunderpath, barreling over any cat that strays too close. Many cats have been severely injured or killed on Thunderpath and it is cautioned to stay away from it at all costs. Thunderclan's stretch of path is edged with overgrowth and trees, making it easy to hide from the monsters. But border patrols should keep a lookout for Shadowclan cats, as their territory is just on the other side.
11Impact (OPEN)
Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:47 am
DawnsComing View latest post
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Sunning Rocks

To the far west of Thunderclan's territory lies Sunning rocks. Bordering the edge of Thunderclan and Riverclan, these coveted rocks are sought after by both territories. The river runs beside it for ideal Riverclan fishing while the trees edge the clearing, full of prey. Both warriors and elders come here to relax in the warmth of the sun.
18Can You Hear Me?...
Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:27 pm
KTukk View latest post

Shadowclan Territory

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Shadowclan Camp

A hollow of mud and bramble awaits those who pass through the thorn tunnel. Across the camp is a smooth boulder, eroded by time and elements. To the right is the nursery, protected by a thorny bush. Beside it, two boulders creating a small cave. This is the medicine cats den, over grown by ferns and tall grasses; water dripping down the sides of the rocks. To the right side of the camp is the leaders den, shaded below the roots of a giant oak tree. Not far from that is the warriors den, protected by the branches of a large bramble bush. Between them, lies the apprentices den, kept dry beneath a young tree with low lying branches.
242Show me the wond...
Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:34 am
Callykitten View latest post
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The Carrionplace

A stench fills the air from rotting food and garbage left here by two-legs. However, the carrion place provides rats to hunt during leaf-bare, and crows tend to linger nearby as well.
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The Tunnel

A dark tunnel running under the Thunderpath, making it easier for Shadowclan cats to cross to meet at moon-lite gatherings. The tunnel is dark and damp, moister seeping in on all sides. Rats and mice are sometimes found scavenging bugs in the darkest parts of the tunnel, their sequels echoing off the hard walls. The tunnel reeks of Thunderpath, shaking as monsters pass overhead. All apprentices are warned to stay away unless accompanied by their mentors.
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Burnt Sycamore

Split down the middle from being struck by lighting many years ago, the Burt Sycamore looms over the open lands and undergrowth the surrounds Shadowclan's territory. Apprentices are taken here to hone their hunting skills by night, stalking and hiding in the tall grass and undergrowth that grown beneath the broken old tree.
239.:Just Your Luck...
Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:43 pm
Callykitten View latest post

Riverclan Territory

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The River

A long and swift river winds its way through Riverclan territory, surrounding and protecting the Riverclan camp. Green-leaf warms the banks making it an enjoyable place to catch fish. Apprentices are advised to stay away from the water until they are trained how to swim properly. Leaf-bare freezes much of the river but watch out for thin spots where a cat can fall through and drown.
26The Almost-Lost ...
Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:17 pm
KTukk View latest post
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Riverclan Camp

Riverclan camp is an island in the middle of the river, surrounded by reeds. The camp is woven together to form each den and layered with rocks of various sizes. The medicine cats den is just past an olive sedge on the north side of the island. To the east is the apprentices den, coasted with a warm layer of moss. And next to it, the nursery just beyond a sedge wall and protected by willow and reeds. On the west side is the highest point where the elders den is woven of willow. And to the south is a willow tree. Beneath its branches lay the leaders den and next to it, the warriors; woven from fallen branches and cat-tails.
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The Twoleg Bridge

During high waters, this wooden two-leg bridge allows Riverclan to cross over to four-trees during the night of the gathering. Most cats will avoid this area, preferring to swim when the water is calm and comfortable. Riverclan's territory leads outward from this bridge, flowing into moss and reeds and some wide open spaces to run.
12Walk The Right W...
Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:27 pm
equidaedream View latest post
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The Gorge

Bordering Windclan and Riverclan, a steep gorge falls deep into the river, edged by jagged rocks. If cats are not careful, not even a Riverclan warrior can survive the fall or the rushing water beneath their paws. The smooth sand and wet soil that edge either side of the gaping cliff are slippery with mist that sprays from the foaming currents. Apprentices are forbidden to roam here.

Windclan Territory

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Windclan Camp

Entering below ground through a gorse tunnel will get you to Windclan camp. A wide border of gorse edges the entire camp creating a space below for cats to sleep. This would be the nursery and elder dens. In the middle of the sandy camp is a large rock called Tallrock, where warriors gather. The rest of the camp is wide open, where warriors, apprentices, and their leader sleep beneath the open stars. In bad weather, however, shelter is taken in abandoned rabbit, fox, and badger holes.
11Any Way the Wind...
Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:25 pm
Clockhound View latest post
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The Abandoned Badger Set

A large and unoccupied burrow that once housed a badger occupied the west side of Windclan territory. Long since abandoned, this hole can be used as shelter from bad weather or a hiding spot from danger. The tunnels the badger dug run deep into the earth and no cat has ventured far past the opening. Wild animals refuse to occupy it because of the smell.
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The Moore

The moore covers most, if not all, of Windclans territory. The rolling hills of soft, sweet grass sway in the breeze of green-leaf; tuffs of tall grass providing the only cover in this tree-less territory. While the moore is a great place to chase rabbits, cats should be careful of the numerous burrows they dig hidden in the thick grass. It can be easy for small cats to fall into to trip over while they are occupied on chasing prey.
17o Drying Off o [...
Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:16 pm
Callykitten View latest post
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Outlook Rock

Outlook rock is the tallest structure on the moore. The rocks are smooth and warm during green-leaf and a favorite spot of border patrol as they can see their whole territory from this one point. Located near the edge of Windclan's border by Fourtrees, cats pass by this spot every moon on their journey.
11Bodies Among The...
Mon Sep 02, 2013 7:53 am
Ninjacheetah View latest post

Skyclan Territory

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Skyclan Camp

The gorge leads into Skyclans camp but this does not make it an easy target. Rocky slops and narrow passages deter unwanted visitors to the camp. Upon squeezing through a passage, wedged between two tall rocks, a cat is greeted with a rather tall cliff. The bottom of the cliff has a crack, water trickling out into a small pool only one paw deep. Looking up, the rock is notched with many ledges of various sizes. Some large enough to hold up to ten cats, others only enough for one. Several of the ledges lead to cracks in the rock's face, creating small caverns in which to sleep. The bottom most cavern is the medicine cats den sitting only two jumps from the ground. This allows for any injured to have less far to travel. The cavern is deep, holding up to five cats at a time. Three jumps above is the apprentice den. This den is shallow and wide but provides more than enough cover from the elements. Above them lies the warriors den. Less of a cavern and more of an overhang sheltered by the little bit of overgrowth that has made the cliff its home, cats can choose to sleep beneath the stars or stay shadowed in the cool shade of the rock. This is the largest of all the ledges. Two more leaps above them is a small crack in the stone that travels deep into the earth. Here queens can give birth to their kits far from the eyes of predators. The topmost cavern is the leaders den, towering over the whole camp. From here a leader can also address their entire clan.
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The Gorge

An old, dried up riverbed serves as the main hunting ground for skyclan. The rocks surround all sides, dropping down into gravel and sand. A small stream still runs through the very center of the gorge, enough for a drink but hardly for a swim. Ledges are carved into the cliff walls, easy for cats to jump up to the grassier areas of the territory. If you follow the gorge all the way down, it will lead you strait to Skyclan camp.
358:Loosen Up: [Pri...
Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:37 am
Callykitten View latest post
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Forests Edge

A rather large thorn tree borders the edge of Skyclan and Thunderclan. From its branches, a cat can get a good view of both territories. Be warned as each branch holds a variety of nasty looking thorns which can pierce an unwitting cats pads. Around the base of the tree, overgrowth spills, vines tangling themselves in the roots. Birds prefer this tree because of its protection. But that also makes this are a good hunting ground for experienced warriors.
347.:Little Promise...
Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:09 pm
KTukk View latest post
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Twolegs Backyard

Skyclan lives closest to the two-leg territory, bordering the fences and wire they put up to keep others out. Any cat edging close should keep on the look-out for kittypets and strays that wander the area. But the bramble bushes and trees that cover the border often deter those who are not clan-born.

Cause Territory

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The Old Barn

And old, rotting barn located north of Windclan Territory. The two-legs that own the barn use it mainly for storage of seed, feed, hay, and occasionally equipment. The bales of hay are stacked high and tight where mice burrow deep inside. The rotting walls of the barn create crevices for cats to hide and hunt. But the walls are sturdy enough to make good shelter from green-leafs heat and leaf-bares cold winds. Many of The Cause cats call this home.
228New Faces |Semi ...
Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:11 am
Clockhound View latest post
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The New Barn

Actually a small horse stable, this new building is well lit and has lots of open space. Two-legs are constantly coming in and out of this place so most stay away. But the temptation of mice and the occasional bird that make this building their home can draw a cat in during desperate times.
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The Fields

A wide open space that is constantly changing. During leaf-bare and new-leaf, much of the fields are often empty with over-turned dirt making the ground uneven. But as the giant monsters begin to roam the area, the plants shoot up into towering, leafy trees. During these times, many different creatures appear, making for a bounty of hunting opportunities. But watch out that the monsters don't catch you first.
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The Outer Area

Past the fields lies an urban area of two-leg houses and winding thunderpath. The nests start off further aprat but as they wind around the clan territory, they begin to grown closer and closer together. The area is filled with strays, rogues, and kittypets, so be careful when venturing too far into this area.

The Outskirts

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Fourtrees is neutral territory, placed at the center of the clans. Four ancient oaks (also known as The Great Oaks) tower over a small clearing dipped into the earth. At the center sits a giant bolder with jagged edges. It is here that all four clans gather every moon in a truce to their ancestors and fallen in Starclan. It was also here that The Great Battle took place only a year ago and the clans were formed. If one only takes a moment, the scent of blood still lingers, reminding every cat of the great loss that was suffered here.
327Unknowing Friend...
Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:12 pm
Amittaa View latest post
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** NOT YET ACCESSIBLE** A wide open area of soil and heather surrounded by a mound of rock. There seems to be a cave beneath an archway of stone but it is pitch dark inside.
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The Twoleg Place

Bordering Thunderclan and Skyclan's south end, two-leg nests are vast and endless. Many creatures including two-legs, cats, dogs, and a variety of other creatures live here. Kittypets and rouges are also known to wander the smaller thunderpaths and territories of this area, and many do not take kindly to clan-cats. The stretch is like a maze so it is not hard o get lost in all the smells and confusion.

Starclan Territory

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The Passage

The border between the living world and the Starclan territory. No living cat can treed here unless invited by Starclan. The surroundings are dark like the night sky and covered in starry light. A passed cats coat shimmers with undying stars and the air is warm and comforting.
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Land of the Skies

A place for cats who have passed to live a happy, relaxed existence without stress. Hunting is always plentiful and greenleaf is always warming cats pelts. ***Only Starclan cats may tread here***
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